Sunday, August 24, 2014

Earthquakes, volcanoes, plagues, floods, WARS ....

what a bonanza for "end days" prophesizers!  

From JournalGazette:
Two earthquakes measuring over 5 in magnitude  – the biggest yet – shook Iceland’s Bardarbunga volcano Sunday after the country issued an aviation red alert warning that an ash-emitting eruption may be imminent.

Iceland’s Meteorological Office recorded earthquakes of 5.3 and 5.1 in the early hours. It said there were no signs of an eruption.
The volcano, underneath Iceland’s vast Vatnajokull glacier, has been rattled by thousands of small earthquakes during the last week.
On Saturday scientists reported a small eruption under the ice, but it was not visible on the surface, and the Meteorological Office later said it appeared to have stopped.
Authorities have declared a no-fly zone of 100 nautical miles by 140 nautical miles around the epicenter as a precaution.

From YahooNews:
180 dead as floods wash away homes   in Nepal, India
The death toll from three days of flooding and torrential rain in Nepal and India rose to more than 180 people Monday, as relief teams sent food, tents and medicine to prevent any outbreaks of disease.

The worst-hit areas were in western Nepal and northern India, where swirling floodwaters submerged hundreds of villages and swept away homes made of mud and straw....
The last few days have seen several earthquakes of 5+ magnitude, notably in Iraq, Iran and Iceland and several of 4+ magnitude in Indonesia (just noticed the coincidence of the names of  all these four countries beginning with "I" ) and now we have two recent earthquakes of 6+ magnitude.  One yesterday in Chile and the other this morning in northern California.  (Again, another coincidence. Both beginning with "C")  LOL!  If something major happens in Ukraine, then are we in ICU (Intensive Care Unit) LOL!  Notice I said Ukraine and not UK or USA.  

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