Saturday, August 2, 2014

Down Syndrome baby abandoned with surrogate mother, while healthy twin whisked away

Our brave new heartless world !

So .... from this story, another aspect of our new world is brought to light which many of us didn't know: Surrogate mothers are found in plenty outside the world of the West and they will carry your egg to term for much less than the surrogate mothers in your own Western countries and without the legal complications.

From BBC:
Australian couple abandon surrogate Down's Syndrome baby
A campaign for a baby with Down's Syndrome left with his surrogate Thai mother by an Australian couple has raised over $120,000 (£70,000).

The six-month-old boy, named Gammy, also has a congenital heart condition and needs urgent medical treatment.
Pattaramon Chanbua was left to care for him after his Australian parents only wanted his healthy twin sister.
She was paid $15,000 (£9,000) to be a surrogate for the couple, whose identities remain unknown.

Mrs Pattaramon was told of the child's condition four months after becoming pregnant and the couple asked her to have an abortion but she refused, saying it was against her Buddhist beliefs.

The 21-year-old, who already has two children, says she cannot afford to pay for the expensive treatment to deal with his life-threatening heart condition.
"The money that was offered was a lot for me. In my mind, with that money, one, we can educate my children, we can repay our debt," she told Australia's ABC broadcaster.

Thai newspaper Thairath published Gammy's story last week and an online campaign to raise money for his treatment was launched shortly afterwards.
So far hundreds of people have donated more than $120,000 (£70,000) towards the fund's $150,000 (£90,000) target......

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