Wednesday, August 27, 2014

Britishers come to a sad realization: "Too little too late"

Yup!  One has to pay for one's sins sooner than later.  

In the meantime, Canada is importing thousands of Syrians, Libyans, Egyptians, with some places in Canada looking like you are walking through a souk with Arabic speaking shoppers everywhere you look.  I was at a North York mall this past weekend and I could see why retailers will never raise their voices for curbing immigration from the Middle East. The newcomers mean a lot of business for home decor outlets, real estate, rental companies, car agencies, supermarkets,etc. Toronto's retailers are a happy lot, all thanks to the influx of new immigrants. Going by what I see in Toronto, I would presume the same is true in Montreal, Calgary, Vancouver and other big cities of Canada.

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