Friday, August 29, 2014

Britainistan raises threat level to "severe"

HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA !   Yup.  Scare the population after importing millions of jihadis to live amongst them. Get them to think that the government is the good guy looking after their security and their well-being.  Yup ... nice going Mr. Cameron, the warmongering barker!

From BBC:
UK threat level raised   to 'severe' after Iraq and Syria conflicts  
The UK's terror threat level is being raised from "substantial" to "severe" in response to conflicts in Iraq and Syria, Home Secretary Theresa May says.

The new alert level means an attack on the UK is "highly likely", although Mrs May said there was no intelligence to suggest an attack was "imminent".
It is the second highest of five possible UK threat levels.

PM David Cameron said at least 500 people had travelled from the UK "to fight in Syria and potentially Iraq".
The UK's terror threat level is being raised from "substantial" to "severe" in response to conflicts in Iraq and Syria, Home Secretary Theresa May says.
The new alert level means an attack on the UK is "highly likely", although Mrs May said there was no intelligence to suggest an attack was "imminent".
It is the second highest of five possible UK threat levels.

PM David Cameron said at least 500 people had travelled from the UK "to fight in Syria and potentially Iraq"...........

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