Friday, July 11, 2014

World War 3 news ..... July 11

I guess by now some enlightened folks have come to the conclusion that we are already either in or at the outset of World War 3. 

From Reuters:
Thirty Ukrainian troops possibly killed in rebel missile attack- government adviser.
 A separatist rebel attack with Grad missiles in eastern Ukraine may have killed as many as 30 soldiers and border guards on Friday and final casualties may be even higher, said Zoryan Shkyryak, an adviser to Interior Minister Arseny Avakov.
"Up to thirty (were killed). It is not excluded that the number of victims will rise because these blood-thirsty scum despicably shot from Grad (missile) systems and there is destruction," he said speaking at a news conference......

From RTNews:
UN questions legality of Israel’s Gaza offensive, Netanyahu dismisses intl pressure.
The legality of Israel’s Operation Protective Edge, which entered its fourth day on Saturday, has been questioned by the UN's humanitarian chief. But Israel's prime minister has said that no international pressure will stop the offensive.
Under international law, Israel must make sure its attacks are proportional, avoid civilian deaths, and identify military versus civilian objects on the ground, UN High Commissioner for Human Rights Navi Pillay said on Friday........

From Al-Monitor:
Islamic State moves to capture   another Turkish border crossing
Journalist Barzan Iso, who a couple of days ago was gleefully telling me about a recent success of the Kurdish People's Protection Units (YPG), the militia of the Kurdish-controlled the Rojava region of West Kurdistan, was distraught when I called him the next day. He was at the funeral of his cousin. He told me on the night of July 8 that the Islamic State (IS, formerly ISIS, or the Islamic State of Iraq and al-Sham) had begun a major attack against Kobani, also known as Ain al-Arab, and his cousin was among 10 Kurds who were killed........

From Guardian dated June 26
Up to 186 Kurdish students kidnapped by Isis in northern Syria
Parents anxiously await news after teenagers abducted from bus while travelling from Kobani to Aleppo to take exams.......

From SidneyMorningHerald:
Hamas's armed wing    said on Friday it fired rockets from the Gaza Strip at Tel Aviv's Ben-Gurion international airport and warned airlines not to fly to Israel's main gateway to the world.
Three rockets were shot down over the Tel Aviv area on Friday. All three were shot down by the Iron Dome anti-missile system, the Israeli army said.....

From Reuters
Kurds seize Iraq oilfields, ministers pull out of government.
Kurdish forces seized two oilfields in northern Iraq and took over operations from a state-run oil company on Friday, while Kurdish politicians formally suspended their participation in Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki's government....

From News24:
Boko Haram attacks Cameroon military post.
Nigerian terrorist group Boko Haram attacked a military post in northern Cameroon, state broadcaster CRTV reported on Friday. 
Dozens of heavily armed militants opened machine gunfire at soldiers in the town of Bonderi, in Cameroon's Far North region, about 5km from the border with Nigeria.
In a 30-minute exchange of gunfire, a Cameroonian soldier was wounded.

From WSJ:
As U.S. Military Spending Drops, China’s Is Rising.  
In a new report, the Pentagon lays out the challenges facing America as it tries to strengthen its presence in Asia, including the rapid growth in Chinese military spending. According to the report, China is expanding its sphere of influence and challenging the U.S. across the globe. As the WSJ’s Dion Nissenbaum reports:.........

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