Tuesday, July 29, 2014

World War 3 .... here we come, nukes and all

Watch the vid to the end and see if you can catch anything amiss with what the IMF woman says. It's to do with numbers. I will update this post 24 hrs from now to give the answer. 
Hint: She made the statement in January 2014. 

Update July 30.   Did you get it?  In January 2014 Russia was still in the G8  .... it didn't become G7 until months later.  How did she know that there would be one less in the G8 to make it G7 unless everything that has happened since late last year was mapped out by the evil ones. Even the scandal of the ex-IMF head is to be questioned.  Did he really rape the maid? Was that all orchestrated so this woman would take his place and do the bidding of the evil ones?  This is pure conspiracy stuff.... but being far above such nonsense we are better off not believing it, right? 

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