Saturday, July 26, 2014

Warsaw Ghetto of the WW2 era and the Gaza of today ... so many similarities, it's uncanny ....

but  we have lost our souls to evil and can't see them.

The thing to ponder on, dear people, is the fact that the Germans didn't think they were doing anything wrong just like the Israeli Jews of today and the Western powers of today are smug in their belief that they are doing no wrong.... the Israeli Jews are doing to the Palestinians exactly what was done by the Nazis to them ... and the Western powers, by giving their carte blanche to the Israelis to carry on the genocide of Palestinians in Gaza, are doing exactly what the German allies had done during the holocaust. The day of reckoning will come ... it has to, just like it did for Germans and her allies. Jews were treated like dirt by the Germans and their allies .... just like how the Palestinians are treated like dirt  by Israel and her allies.  How we forget history, don't we?

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