Sunday, July 13, 2014

Updates on the Israeli and Palestinian war .... July 13

From BBC:
Israel says it has warned residents in northern Gaza to evacuate as it prepares to launch fresh air strikes.

Israeli forces have raided a suspected rocket-launching site in Gaza in their first reported ground incursion since operations began on 8 July.
The military says it will continue its offensive until Palestinian militants stop firing rockets at Israeli cities.

At least 159 Palestinians have been killed since Israel's offensive began, according to health officials in Gaza.
The dead are said to include 17 members of one family who died in an Israeli missile strike on Saturday evening.

Israel says it is targeting Hamas militants and "terror sites", including the homes of senior operatives. However, the United Nations has estimated that 77% of the people killed in Gaza have been civilians........

From RT:
Israeli 'knock on the roof' bombing technique caught on film 
The IDF practice of firing a missile at a civilian home to warn the occupants to leave the building before a larger attack, has been caught on film. Amnesty International has decried “roof knocking,” saying it in no way constitutes an “effective warning.”
A YouTube video uploaded on Saturday shows how a Palestinian house is struck by a warning shot before being destroyed about a minute later by a full missile attack.
Prior to the strike the occupants of the building reportedly received a call from the IDF, warning of an imminent attack.
Amnesty International has condemned the “knock on the roof” technique in an appeal to the UN to investigate possible violations committed by Hamas and the IDF during Operation Protective Shield.

“There is no way that firing a missile at a civilian home can constitute an effective ‘warning.’ Amnesty International has documented cases of civilians killed or injured by such missiles in previous Israeli military operations on the Gaza Strip,” said Philip Luther Director of the Middle East and North Africa Program at Amnesty International......

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