Friday, July 25, 2014

The most interesting thing I have read today on the Ukraine

I don't know about you, but IMO this is not propaganda as much as many of you would like to dismiss it as such. 

From The Saker blog:
Catastrophic Desertions and Losses in the Ukrainian Army - Official Ukrainian Reports, July 19, 2014
Catastrophic Desertions and Losses in the Ukrainian Army - Official Ukrainian Reports, July 19, 2014
Preamble by Gleb Bazov: It is rare that we report on the workings of the aggressor across the battle lines. This item is different. Before you is a translation, kindly prepared by Valentina Lisitsa, of a report from the head of the Ukrainian Security Service, V.O. Nalyvaichenko, to the President of Ukraine, P.A. Poroshenko. It is an important document, which, we hope, you will distribute widely.
No further commentary is necessary, other than the following brief quotation. According to V.O. Nalyvaichenko, "2/3 of the active combat military units currently participating in the ATO will simply cease to exist in as little as 4 to 5 days" due to mass desertions and casualties. To provide context for this letter, provided below is another document recently publicized as an internal memorandum from the Ukrainian Ministry of Defence, which details recent casualties of the Ukrainian army, equally as catastrophic as its desertion rates

Report by Head of SBU, V.O. Nalyvaichenko, to the President of Ukraine, P.A. Poroshenko
Translated by Valentina Lisitsa..........

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