Sunday, July 20, 2014

Syria, Libya, Afghanistan, Iraq .... anybody interested how many dead in those countries?

While the focus is on Israel/Gaza/Ukraine/Russia .... what has been happening in Syria, Libya and Afghanistan, Iraq?  How many non-Palestinian deaths in those countries?  Anybody interested? 

Far too many wars going on.  Far too many people getting killed.  Far too much suffering and sorrow.  **sigh**

From AP via Yahoo:
60 Syria soldiers dead  in battle with jihadists.
At least 60 soldiers have died as the army battles to retake a gas field in central Syria where jihadists killed 270 people, a pro-regime newspaper reported on Sunday......

From CNN:
Fighting intensifies  in Libya, airport control at stake.
Fierce fighting raged on the outskirts of Tripoli on Sunday as militias continued to battle for control of the airport in what's being called the worst fighting in Libya since the 2011 revolution.
Clashes were concentrated around the airport, the airport road and a number of residential areas where militias have fought over the past week, residents said.
At least five people have been killed, one local official said.
The latest assaults were launched by militias from the city of Misrata and an Islamist militia umbrella group in the capital known as the "Libyan Revolutionaries Operations Room."........

From Khaama:
At least three civilians were killed following a roadside bomb explosion in western Nimroz province of Afghanistan on Sunday.
Provincial governor spokesman, Ahmad Arab said the incident took place on Sunday morning in Chahar Boraj district.
Mr. Arab further added that three civilians were also injured following the explosion which includes women and children.......

From CNN:
Facing fines,  conversion or death, Christian families flee Mosul.
 Just days after the militant group the Islamic State in Iraq and Syria said they killed hundreds of Syrians, dozens of Iraqi Christian families are now fleeing the ISIS-controlled city of Mosul, hoping to avoid a similar fate.
On Friday, the al Qaeda splinter group issued an ultimatum to Iraqi Christians living in Mosul -- by Saturday at noon (5 a.m. ET), they must convert to Islam, pay a fine or face "death by the sword."
A total of 52 Christian families left the city of Mosul early Saturday morning, with an armed group prohibiting some of them from taking anything but the clothes on their backs.
"They told us, 'You to leave all of your money, gold, jewelry and go out with only the clothes on you,'" Wadie Salim told CNN.........

From TheGuardian:
Iraqi civilian death toll passes 5,500   in wake of Isis offensive
United Nations report says rate of civilian deaths over first six months of 2014 shows sharp increase over previous year
The violence in Iraq has killed more than 5,500 civilians over the first six months of the year, according to a report by the United Nations that documents the massive humanitarian toll of the Sunni militant offensive.

The Islamic State (Isis) and other Sunni insurgents seized control of the city of Falluja, as well as part of nearby Ramadi in Anbar province in early January. The militants then launched an offensive in June that has brought a huge swath of northern and western Iraq under their control.

In its report, the UN mission to Iraq says at least 5,576 civilians were killed and another 11,665 wounded from 1 January until the end of June. Another 1.2 million have been driven from their homes by the violence, it adds.....

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