Monday, July 28, 2014

Russia, the Christian country that the USA and her allies are panting to destroy

The disgusting hatred shown by the USA, Canada, Australia, UK and most of the EU towards a country that has not only successfully buried its communist past but has pulled its citizens to a stable and prosperous economy, is vomit-inducing.  It boggles the mind how brainwashed people are so ready to believe whatever their governments and the MSM puts out there for their consumption without thinking for themselves.  Why can't people ask just one simple question of themselves: "When have I found the government telling me the truth of anything?"

Got the vid below from the comments section at the  The Saker blog, a damn good blog if you want to know more about our world's various ongoing conflicts, rather than swallowing whole what  Big Brother and his minions' propaganda feeds you on a daily basis.  

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