Monday, July 21, 2014

Religions ... all of them are nothing but destructive

Is it any wonder that more and more people are becoming atheists?  Watch this video and you will come to the shocking realization that Judaism and Islam have more in common with each other than the rest of the religions, including Christianity.  
As for me, I have never given two hoots about the Old Testament.  Being a fan of Christ's non-violence theories and knowing Christ shunned the religion(s) of those days, including his own Judaism, why would a follower of Christ even want to give any credence to the Old Testament?  I have never understood that.

If what is related in this vid is accurate, then it looks like the Christian clergy is not treated respectfully in Israel.  I know blacks are not,  seen a number of  videos of  Ethiopians being made to feel like cockroaches by Israeli Jews.  The Israeli propaganda as spread all around by their supporters in the West will never ever show any of that..... because the only racism of any weightage is known as "anti-Semitism"  dontcha know?

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