Saturday, July 12, 2014

Prostitution den in Baghdad attacked, 29 women dead

The Wahhabi terrorists were not lying when they said they had several sleeper cells inside Baghdad. One of the cells arrived at two buildings in a housing complex and the gunmen made mincemeat of the residents.  33 dead, 29 of them women.  18 injured.

From StarTribune:
Iraqi police say gunmen have killed at least 33 people, including 29 women, in a raid on two buildings in a housing complex in Baghdad.

Police officials say the gunmen showed up in four-wheel drive vehicles before storming the buildings in the Zayounah neighborhood in eastern Baghdad. They say at least 18 people were wounded.....

From PMNewsNigeria:
...“This is the fate of any prostitution,” read a inscription on the door of the one of the raided buildings..........

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