Wednesday, July 2, 2014

One warmonger down .... many more to go

Ex-prez of France is being investigated for "influence peddling"..... that's newspeak for  bribe-taking.

From BBC:
Former French President Sarkozy placed under investigation. Late on Tuesday, Mr Sarkozy was taken before a judge after 15 hours of police questioning.

Former French President Nicolas Sarkozy has been placed under formal investigation over alleged influence peddling.

He appeared before a judge late on Tuesday, after presenting himself early that morning for police questioning, which lasted 15 hours.
This is thought to be the first time a former French head of state has been held in police custody.
Mr Sarkozy's lawyer, Thierry Herzog, was also placed under formal investigation as part of the same case.

A magistrate, Gilbert Azibert, also appeared before a judge.

When a suspect is placed under formal investigation, he or she is then examined by a judge, who determines whether there is sufficient evidence for the suspect to be charged.
The inquiry began when judges examined allegations that Mr Sarkozy received illegal funding for his re-election campaign from the former Libyan leader, Muammar Gaddafi.

Mr Sarkozy is hoping to challenge again for the presidency in 2017 and the inquiry is seen as a blow to his hopes of returning to office..........

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