Tuesday, July 22, 2014

Not much of a difference between the thugs in the Ukrainian parliament and the thugs in the Egyptian ....

parliament or the nuts in the Muslim countries' parliaments that we love to make fun of at every opportunity.

With such uncouth MPs walking  fighting in the halls of power in the Ukraine,  I will bet my bottom dollar that one can expect the most mafia-like actions by this present government of the Ukraine and if there was corruption in the previous one, this present one will surpass the previous record.  Just look at them.  And, just so you know, this is not the first time either. Vid 2 below is from a few months ago and vid 3 from Dec 2012.

The thing to remember here folks is this:  The Canadian Conservative govt of Harper and his merry dingbats are supporting the mafia government of the Ukraine.  What does that tell you about the Conservatives?

From TheTelegraph:
MH17: Scuffles break out in parliament as MPs discuss Malaysian plane crash
It appears not all members of the Ukraine government are happy with the level of blame being placed on Russia for recent events in Ukraine.

Ukraine's parliament descended into a chaotic brawl on Tuesday after one party member reacted negatively to the barrage of blame being laid upon Russia for the MH17 disaster and ongoing crisis in Ukraine.
During the session, which began with a minute of silence to remember the victims, Oleksandr Turchynov, the Chairman of the Ukrainian Parliament, accused Russia of committing "acts of military aggression against Ukraine" by supplying the pro-Russian separatists with a BUK surface-to-air missile system "operated by Russian armed forces"......

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