Monday, July 28, 2014

Israelis keep insulting BFF America for trying to save their necks

It must come from the sure and certain knowledge that it is Israel that controls the inner workings of the policies that keep USA standing.  Nothing else makes sense.  
Does Israel really think its military might will be enough to save Israel and Israelis if suddenly Turkey joins up with other enemy neighbours or is Israel pushing for a war where Israel will be able to make use of her BFF like done before in Iraq?  Or is Israel planning on using her nuclear capabilities that nobody else in the region has been allowed to even dream of?
Suicidal !!

David Horovitz writing at TimeOfIsreal:
John Kerry: The betrayal.  
Astoundingly, the secretary’s intervention in the Hamas war empowers the Gaza terrorist government bent on destroying Israel.

When The Times of Israel’s Avi Issacharoff first reported the content of John Kerry’s ceasefire proposal on Friday afternoon, I wondered if something had gotten lost in translation. It seemed inconceivable that the American secretary of state would have drafted an initiative that, as a priority, did not require the dismantling of Hamas’s rocket arsenal and network of tunnels dug under the Israeli border. Yet the reported text did not address these issues at all, nor call for the demilitarization of Gaza.

It seemed inconceivable that the secretary’s initiative would specify the need to address Hamas’s demands for a lifting of the siege of Gaza, as though Hamas were a legitimate injured party acting in the interests of the people of Gaza — rather than the terror group that violently seized control of the Strip in 2007, diverted Gaza’s resources to its war effort against Israel, and could be relied upon to exploit any lifting of the “siege” in order to import yet more devastating weaponry with which to kill Israelis.............

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