Wednesday, July 23, 2014

Israel becomes Earth's #1 most hated nation ... and rightly so

How can a people stemming from World War II genocide of their ancestors, commit genocide on others?  I guess there's some truth in what psychoanalysts say about children molested in childhood growing up to inflict same crime on other innocents.

Disgusting war criminal Netanyahu and his gang of killers should be tried for war crimes and sent to prison for the rest of their lives. Curses on the warmongers in Israel and curses on Israel's supporters outside Israel egging them on the genocide in Gaza. It's one thing to dislike islam for its teachings and to hate Muslims who abide by those teachings,  but it's inhuman to not feel horror at what Israel is doing to Muslims in Gaza. And, now it looks like the Israeli govt. is cracking down on Israeli Muslims too (see first link below).

Those encouraging Israel to flatten Gaza once and for all, where's your conscience people?  May you and yours also experience the kind of death and sorrow as running rife now with the Palestinian people of Gaza.  No number of excuses about Hamas's lobbying rockets into Israel and Hamas's terrorism tactics being the reason for the mass killing  going on in Gaza, can ever make this right. NEVER! However, if it helps you  into lullabying your conscience into a deep slumber, go ahead, start on your road to zombieland.  Diplomacy is not dead, even if the blasted Israeli govt. thinks it is.  

Because of Israel's disastrous policies, with help as usual from the USA, our world has now become much, much more dangerous from Sunni terrorism even here in the West. Millions of us who are not even Muslims can't bear to see what Israel is doing to Gazans,  how do you think Muslims are feeling today? Don't go by what the Uncle Toms from the Muslim communities are telling you. They are pretending to stand with Israel to lull you into thinking they are not with Hamas.

This is the start of a civil war in Israel itself.  I hope those rooting for Israel to go deeper into the Gaza offensive will be happy to see that happen ... your shortsightedness will have made that possible you dumb fucks. Israel's mighty army nor its police force will be able to resist the resistance inside Israel. The Israeli Muslims inside Israel won't be able to take this much longer.

From 972Mag:
 ....Following wave of protests, Israel arrests scores of Arab activists, minors
Hundreds of Arab citizens of Israel have been detained in recent weeks, including dozens of minors. Abusive interrogations and preemptive arrests suggest that many of the tactics of occupation have crossed the Green Line......
.....“I have been active for 14 years and I have never seen such a wave of arrests of minors,” says Ward Yassin, 34, from Jdeideh el-Makr. “The feeling is that the police have no red lines.” Yassin himself was arrested on Monday, July 7, the day after a demo that took place in his town, attended by around 200 people who were protesting the murder of Abu Khdeir, as well as the assault on Gaza.
The arrest of political activists like Yassin represents the second prominent group in the recent wave of arrests, of protest organizers and well-known activists in Arab towns. Dozens of demonstrations have taken place, receiving little media coverage, if any. Some of them escalated into confrontations with the police, which including stone-throwing.

“We have testimonies about police brutality during arrests and interrogations following the Nazareth demo. Detainees told us they were slapped, kicked and cursed at,” says attorney Maisa Arshid, who was present at the police station that night. “One of the detainees I represented, a 19-year-old, was bleeding after he had been beaten by the police; he was not taken to the hospital until 3 a.m. Another youth who was arrested on Sunday recounted that after he was taken into the police station, the [policemen] took off his keffiyeh, peed on it and then wrapped it around his neck.”

The lawyers reported that minors had been arrested despite suffering from various medical conditions – from asthma to mental retardation. “Almost none of the Nazareth detainees are well-known political activists,” adds attorney Arshid. “Some of them were just passing by; one of them was holding a grocery shopping list in front of the supermarket when he was arrested. The offenses and allegations ascribed to the detainees are not necessarily connected to what really happened.”..........

From NYTimes:
Palestinian Family Finds Missing Son in YouTube Video of His Shooting.

After two days of searching for a son they lost contact with during a rushed evacuation from their home in Gaza City, one Palestinian family was surprised to hear the young man’s voice, calling out for a missing cousin, in video posted on YouTube on Monday by human rights activists.

A sister and a cousin of the missing 23-year-old, Salem Khaleel Shamaly, were horrified to see video of him lying on the ground in the ruined neighborhood they had fled, Shejaiya, wounded by an unseen sniper, according to activists from the Palestinian-led International Solidarity Movement who witnessed the incident and released the footage. As the man tried to get to his feet, two more shots rang out, and he stopped moving..............

From France24:
Despite international efforts to negotiate an end to the Israeli-Gaza conflict on Tuesday, Israel continued to strike at targets in the Gaza Strip, where the death toll rose to above 600.
....“A ceasefire is not near,” said Israeli Justice Minister Tzipi Livni, viewed as the most dovish member of Netanyahu’s inner security cabinet. “I see no light at the end of the tunnel,” she told Israel’s Army Radio.....

From NormanFinkelstein:
Interview with Raji Sourani in Gaza:
Raji Sourani is a human rights lawyer and founder of the Palestinian Centre for Human Rights, which documents and investigates human rights violations in the Occupied Territories. Jailed on six occasions for his work, Sourani is staying put in Gaza at the moment, and continuing to work under siege. He tells Roma Rajpal Weiss that people there have lost all hope

How is the situation in Gaza at the moment?
Raji Sourani: We don’t sleep at night or during the day. It’s almost non-stop bombing, all over the place. There are no shelters; there is no safe place anywhere in Gaza, there is bombing everywhere. Right now, we are in the middle of a war: anything will hit the people, anything will hit a building. The airplanes and the drones never leave the sky.

Entire families have been erased, and the problem is that most of the killings are of civilians. Our findings from our field workers show that more than 77% of the victims that are injured are civilians. Civilians are in the eye of the storm. You are talking about one of the most high-tech air forces on earth. And you’re talking about F16s and drones and an army with a chain of command. It’s not random rockets; they send these bombs to kill. It’s not for fun.

What is the general feeling there?
Sourani: People are furious here. In 2008-2009, with all the horrors that took place, when they used phosphorous bombs all over Gaza, they destroyed the city. And then in 2012 we had another war, and now we are having the third consecutive war in about five years. It’s too much for any population. People are really sick, tired, exhausted, and nobody really wants to be a submissive victim. They feel there is nothing more to lose.

“People are really sick, tired, exhausted,” says Raji Sourani. “They feel there is nothing more to lose. Either this situation really improves or it is better to just die”

If you are in this situation, you see the world is just watching and you are just a part of the news. The most important feeling is when you feel your soul and the souls of the people you love are so cheap, and your suffering and your blood so cheap, and there is only one blood and soul that is holy, which is Israeli Jews, you just lose your mind. According to the news, they have had eight injured during this war – that’s all that they suffered on the Israeli side, and here you have hell.

The most common sentence I heard when people began to talk about ceasefire: everybody says it’s better for all of us to die and not go back to the situation we used to have before this war. We don’t want that again. We have no dignity, no pride; we are just soft targets, and we are very cheap. Either this situation really improves or it is better to just die. I am talking about intellectuals, academics, ordinary people: everybody is saying that.......

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