Sunday, July 20, 2014

Israel and Gaza War.... July 20

War is definitely not the  way to stop the madness of the suicidal Hamas and the equal level of madness of the hard-right Israelis.  The killing going on is creating more hate which does not bring anybody any good.   Even if Israel is in the right, because no country will tolerate rockets levied at them day in and day out without going on the offensive, we all know that .... but to go on such a murderous bend is beyond the pale. Targeted killing of the top Hamas officials by sending in assailants of Arab descent  should have been the key.  Failing that, diplomacy is the way to go now. Let the more intelligent people in this conflict realize that it's best to come to the table of diplomacy and put a stop to the killing. Trying to broker peace deals without Hamas at the table is like shouting in the wind.  

From BBC:
....The death toll  continued to rise at the weekend, with the number of Palestinians killed now more than 400 since the operation began, according to Palestinian health officials.
The majority of those killed are civilians, the UN says.....

.....Meanwhile, the UN warned it was running out of supplies to help more than 50,000 Palestinians who have sought shelter at its schools in Gaza.
A UN official said the number of people fleeing was much higher than expected, with both the Israeli and Egyptian borders closed to Gazans.
Qatar is expected to host a meeting between President Abbas and Ban Ki-moon on Sunday before the UN chief continues on to Kuwait, Egypt, Israel, the Palestinian Territories and Jordan.
Mr Abbas is also due to meet Hamas leader Khaled Meshaal.....

From GuardianUK:
Israel using flechette shells in Gaza
Palestinian human rights group accuses Israel military of using shells that spray out thousand of tiny and potentially lethal darts.
The Israeli military is using flechette shells, which spray out thousands of tiny and potentially lethal metal darts, in its military operation in Gaza.

Six flechette shells were fired towards the village of Khuzaa, east of Khan Younis, on 17 July, according to the Palestinian Centre for Human Rights. Nahla Khalil Najjar, 37, suffered injuries to her chest, it said. PCHR provided a picture of flechettes taken by a fieldworker last week.
The Israel Defence Forces (IDF) did not deny using the shells in the conflict. "As a rule, the IDF only employs weapons that have been determined lawful under international law, and in a manner which fully conforms with the laws of armed conflict," a spokesperson said in response to a request for specific comment on the deployment of flechettes.........

From BBC:
Thousands of people have marched through central London to call for an end to Israel's ground campaign and air strikes in Gaza.
Protesters marched from Downing Street to the Israeli embassy in Kensington. A police blockade stopped them from gaining access.
Whitehall, Trafalgar Square, Piccadilly and Hyde Park Corner were closed......

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