Wednesday, July 16, 2014

Iraq Situation Report ... July 15

Below a first few extracts from the Iraq SITREP at  the Vineyard of the Saker blog.

July 15th Iraq SITREP by Mindfriedo: Burn Shia, burn!
Quote of the Day, Lebanese Sunni Scholar Sheikh Maaher Hammoud: If you want Arabs to fight Israel, tell them Israel converted to Shiaism 
Quote of the Day Two, Patrick Cockburn: In some areas, being Shia is akin to being a Jew in Nazi Germany 
Thought of the Day: Enemy of Enemy is my Friend? 

15th July: Tribal Fighters in Dhuluia have fought and forced out Daash Fighters from the entire town. Dozens of Dash TERRORISTS were killed in an anti Daash alliance of al Khazraj, al Jobour, and Albu Jwari tribes 
15th July: Daash fighters burn the central library in Sa’adiya, north east of Baqouba 
15th July: Two Synchronized car bombings have left 7 people dead and 34 wounded in Sadr City, Baghdad 
15th July: Iraqi Kurdistan has reached a deal with Turkey to increase exports of oil being pumped from the current 125000 barrels per day to 400000 barrels per day by the end of the year 
15th July: Kurdish Peshmerga fighters commandeer/steal 50 military vehicles belonging to the government in Nineveh....

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