Friday, July 25, 2014

Intrigue upon intrigue continues with the downing of Malaysian MH17 flight

The first thought that popped to mind yesterday on reading about the Ukrainian govt. collapse, was whether those quitting the parliament had the  knowledge that it was their own rogue army or the thousands of mercenaries they have hired, who were responsible for the downing of MH17.  These kind of things are always liable to seek sunlight, sometime or the other, and the concentrated efforts by the culprits to keep such unsavory stuff  a secret, never works.  Although, I have not read any theory so far on what exactly was the reason behind the collapse of the Ukrainain parliament,  the story put out about MPs not able to agree on budget, etc.  is ludicrous to say the least.

Below are the first few paragraphs from two articles by Robert Parry of Consortium News, one dated July 20 and the other July 22. Who is Robert Parry?  He is an investigative reporter,  the breed that's dying out and will be extinct in the near future.  Both articles have nothing to do with the Ukrainian govt. collapse .... but if anyone can tell us more about the "whys" it will likely be coming from Robert Parry or investigative reporters like him.

What Did US Spy Satellites See in Ukraine?
In the heat of the U.S. media’s latest war hysteria – rushing to pin blame for the crash of a Malaysia Airlines passenger jet on Russia’s President Vladimir Putin – there is the same absence of professional skepticism that has marked similar stampedes on Iraq, Syria and elsewhere – with key questions not being asked or answered.

The dog-not-barking question on the catastrophe over Ukraine is: what did the U.S. surveillance satellite imagery show? It’s hard to believe that – with the attention that U.S. intelligence has concentrated on eastern Ukraine for the past half year that the alleged trucking of several large Buk anti-aircraft missile systems from Russia to Ukraine and then back to Russia didn’t show up somewhere.

Yes, there are limitations to what U.S. spy satellites can see. But the Buk missiles are about 16 feet long and they are usually mounted on trucks or tanks. Malaysia Airlines Flight 17 also went down during the afternoon, not at night, meaning the missile battery was not concealed by darkness.

So why hasn’t this question of U.S. spy-in-the-sky photos – and what they reveal – been pressed by the major U.S. news media? How can the Washington Post run front-page stories, such as the one on Sunday ............

The Mystery of a Ukrainian Army ‘Defector’
As the U.S. government seeks to build its case blaming eastern Ukrainian rebels and Russia for the shoot-down of Malaysia Airlines Flight 17, the evidence seems to be getting twisted to fit the preordained conclusion, including a curious explanation for why the troops suspected of firing the fateful missile may have been wearing Ukrainian army uniforms.

On Tuesday, mainstream journalists, including for the Los Angeles Times and the Washington Post, were given a briefing about the U.S. intelligence information that supposedly points the finger of blame at the rebels and Russia. While much of this circumstantial case was derived from postings on “social media,” the briefings also addressed the key issue of who fired the Buk anti-aircraft missile that is believed to have downed the airliner killing all 298 people onboard.

After last Thursday’s shoot-down, I was told that U.S. intelligence analysts were examining satellite imagery that showed the crew manning the suspected missile battery wearing what looked like Ukrainian army uniforms, but my source said the analysts were still struggling with whether that essentially destroyed the U.S. government’s case blaming the rebels.

The Los Angeles Times article ............

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