Monday, July 28, 2014

Infiltration of America by the Islamic Gulen Movement

As if we were not already having tonnes of trouble with Islamic hordes, here's another blasted Islamic group infiltrating into the West with even more charter schools all funded by the USA.

I am so totally fed up with all religions.  They are nothing but brainwashing instruments, much worse than the propaganda coming from Big Brother.  If these people have already set themselves up in the USA,  you can bet your bottom dollar, they are over here too in Canada.... funded with our tax dollars just like in the States.  Probably, Big Brother is grooming the Gulen Movement for use at a later date to divide further the other sects of Islam.  That's how all the mess starts. Think Taliban and Al Qaeda at the time of Russia in Afghanistan....and see what that has done to our present world.  What kind of psychopaths are walking the halls of power?

Joshua Cook writing at BenSwann:
FBI Whistleblower and Teacher Expose Islamic Gülen Movement Infiltrating U.S. Through Charter Schools.

What Is The Islamic Gülen Movement?  

In rural Pennsylvania, a Turkish-born Muslim imam lives in self-imposed exile.

The imam, Fethullah Gülen, came to the United States in 1999 due to cited health problems and has stayed in the United States after gaining his visa with help from former CIA officials. The FBI previously resisted granting permanent residency status to Gülen. According to leaked cables, parts of the U.S. government believe that Gülen “is a ‘radical Islamist’ whose moderate message cloaks a more sinister and radical agenda.”

In an interview with 60 Minutes, Gülen followers claim that he does not control or have anything to do with the day-to-day dealings of the massive network of charter schools he helped found. 

Gülen-inspired schools are the largest charter network in the U.S. and receive approximately $150 million a year in taxpayer money. There are about 130 of these charter schools in 26 states where the majority of the teachers are from Turkey, as well as many of the contracts for construction and operation have gone to Turkish businesses. Those actions have raised red flags for the U.S. government.

The schools themselves are considered high quality and are focused on STEM-based learning — something that proponents of the Gülen Movement claim is lacking in U.S. education.

According to 60 Minutes, in Turkey, Gülen schools are everywhere and considered the best. But recently Turkey passed a law to shut down Gulen schools, a main source of the movement’s revenue.

Why Are My Tax Dollars Funding an Islamic Movement?

In the United States, many of the Gülen schools have long waiting lists. But that comes at a price for our American teachers:

“Our tax dollars are paying for them to come over here and take our jobs,” said Mary Addi, a teacher. “They want to give you the impression that they’re just hard-working guys over here to try and educate our kids, because American teachers are just too stupid.”.....

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