Friday, July 18, 2014

First it was NBC, now it's CNN pulling reporters who don't kiss Israel's butt ....

and dare to show their true feelings at the appalling atrocities committed on the Gazans. Every living soul in Gaza is a terrorist ... right folks?  

From RT:
CNN has pulled correspondent Diana Magnay out of her post covering the Israeli-Palestinian conflict after the reporter tweeted that Israelis cheering bombs hitting Gaza, and who had allegedly threatened her, were “scum.”

Magnay was "threatened and harassed" before and during her report, a CNN spokeswoman told The Huffington Post, leading to the reporter's reaction on Twitter.

“She deeply regrets the language used, which was aimed directly at those who had been targeting our crew," the spokeswoman added. "She certainly meant no offense to anyone beyond that group, and she and CNN apologize for any offense that may have been taken.”

Israelis could be heard cheering missiles heading for Gaza on Thursday during a live Magnay report from a hill overlooking the Israel-Gaza border.

“I think you can probably see there are lots of Israelis gathered around who are cheering when they see these kinds of Israeli strikes,” Magnay said during the report.

Following the shot, Magnay tweeted, “Israelis on hill above Sderot cheer as bombs land on #gaza; threaten to ‘destroy our car if I say a word wrong’. Scum.”.............

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