Tuesday, July 22, 2014

Dhimmi Pope Francis calls for prayers to save Iraqi Christians

I guess prayers are as effective as bullets and rockets and bombs.  Let's wait and see the results of those imaginary missiles against the real ones .... shall we?  
In the meantime, the Christians in the affected areas of Iraq better make up your minds whether you wanna convert to the satanic side or leave your ancestral home with only the clothes on your back or stay put and leave this world for good to make your journey to that other imaginary paradise promised to you by Pope Francis.

Dhimmi Catholics ... you can't live with them and neither can you live without their innate goodness, peace, simplicity and belief.

Carol Glatz writing at CatholicReview:
Pope calls for prayers as militants chase all Christians out of Mosul
As the last Iraqi Christians in Mosul fled the city, Pope Francis urgently called for prayers, dialogue and peace.

"Violence isn't overcome with violence. Violence is conquered with peace," the pope said before leading thousands of pilgrims gathered in St. Peter's Square in a moment of silent prayer July 20.

"Our brothers and sisters are persecuted, they are chased away," he said, as he assured Christians in all of Iraq and the Middle East of his "constant prayers."

The pope's plea came as the last Christian families living in Mosul were forced from the city after facing increasing threats, violence and intimidation.

The Islamic State group, which has taken control of Mosul, Iraq's second-largest city, was threatening to kill any Christians who did not convert to Islam or pay a tax, Syriac Patriarch Ignace Joseph III Younan told Vatican Radio.

The militants in Mosul also burned to the ground the building housing the Syriac bishop's office, residence and library, and everything inside, he said July 19......

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