Wednesday, July 30, 2014

Countries with a conscience are recalling their ambassadors from Israel ....

and some are suspending all trade with the killers of infants and children. Bolivia and Venezuela, who had already cut their ties with Israel during the last massacre, also made their views known on this latest slaughter.

Brazil President Condemns Gaza 'Massacre'  
Israel's military offensive in Gaza has been condemned as a "massacre" by Brazil's President Dilma Rousseff, adding to international pressure for an end to the bloodshed.
She branded the Israeli campaign against rocket-firing Hamas militants in the coastal enclave, which has left more than a thousand Palestinians dead, as "disproportionate", and backed the United Nations' call for an immediate ceasefire.
Her comments echo those of the foreign ministry, which led an Israel spokesman to dismiss Brazil as a "diplomatic dwarf" ......

Another South American nation takes measures to protest the continued Israeli assault on Gaza.
As the Israeli assault on Gaza mounts, the Chilean Government announced that it is recalling its Ambassador in Tel Aviv, Jorge Montero for consultation. 
In a release issued this afternoon, Santiago condemned "collective punishment against the Palestinian civilian population in Gaza", as well as what it cited as well as a lack of respect for "fundamental rules of international humanitarian law"....

The Ecuadoran Ambassador has been recalled from Israel, citing the ongoing Israeli assault on Gaza which began nearly two weeks ago, and has killed over 550 Palestinians.
South Africa considered a similar move last week, but stopped short after meeting of ejecting the Israeli ambassadors after meeting with Israeli officials.
On Friday, legislators in South Africa’s Parliament urged the President to cut diplomatic ties with Israel, making comparisons between Israel’s policies and those of the white South African government under apartheid.

Peru has recalled its ambassador from Israel, and Israeli officials are none too pleased with the move. An official document was released to communicate that sentiment: “[The nation of] Israel expresses its disappointment at this decision by a friendly country, with whom we have shared more than a half century of good relations.”.....

El Salvador:
El Salvador becomes fifth Latin American country to recall Israel envoy.
El Salvador recalled its Israeli ambassador from Tel Aviv on Wednesday to protest the military operation in Gaza, making it the fifth Latin American country to do so....

Bolivia and Venezuela:
....On July 19, Venezuela's socialist government condemned Israel, saying it had “initiated a higher phase of its policy of genocide and extermination with the ground invasion of Palestinian territory, killing innocent men, women, girls and boys”.

The statement said: "Venezuela also rejects the cynical campaigns trying to condemn both parties equally, when it is clear you cannot morally compare occupied and massacred Palestine with the occupying state, Israel, which also possesses military superiority ...”
Bolivian President Evo Morales also condemned the Israeli invasion of Gaza, Press TV said on July 21, saying it was time to take action “to end the genocide that Israel is carrying out on Palestine”.
The anti-imperialist governments of Venezuela and Bolivia had already cut ties with Israel in response to its 2009 Operation Cast Lead attack on Gaza....

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