Thursday, July 31, 2014

Channel 4 UK is the only Western world's TV channel showing any humanity whatsoever ....

for the victims of Israel's atrocities committed on a people as collective punishment for having voted  the terrorist group Hamas to power.  I hope Channel 4 does not have those endless Jewish billionaire shareholders,  otherwise Channel 4 will be toast before we can say 1-2-3.  That's a fact and we all know it. Denial is in Egypt along with the new and approved dictator of that country.

Thom Walker at Channel4:
The first thing I noticed was a tug at my arm. I looked down to see a young girl in a blue top smiling up at me, writes Channel 4 News Producer Thom Walker.
We had come to the Al-Shate refugee camp in central Gaza City, to film where an Israeli strike had hit the Al-Sosi mosque a couple of days ago, destroying it, and collapsing one of the minarets.The tower had fallen right across the street, taking with it the whole face of an apartment block opposite.............

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