Thursday, July 24, 2014

And so it starts in the West Bank ....

and then next you can expect it to continue right in the heart of Israel.  Israeli Jews are just as suicidal as the Palestinians.  

From BBC:
Palestinians killed in West Bank Gaza solidarity march.
At least two Palestinians have been killed in the West Bank during protests against Israel's military campaign in Gaza, officials say.
At least 10,000 protesters marched from Ramallah towards East Jerusalem, where they were met by Israeli forces.
Around 200 protestors were wounded.
Meanwhile, the death toll in Gaza's fighting has continued to rise, with over 800 Palestinians and 33 Israelis killed since 8 July.
The Israeli military confirmed that troops had used "riot dispersal means" after West Bank protestors threw rocks and blocked a road with burning tyres.
Israel launched its military offensive against Gaza on 8 July with the declared objective of stopping Hamas firing rockets into Israel.
Israeli PM Benjamin Netanyahu said on Thursday he regretted each Palestinian civilian death, but said they were "the responsibility of Hamas".

'Day of anger'
The West Bank protest was called for by Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas's Fatah movement........

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