Thursday, June 12, 2014

Transport sharing Uber gets unexpected publicity and huge exposure

Worth looking into. I bet very few knew that Toronto and Montreal commuters can make use of this apps.  If I can get a ride in a car instead of waiting at bus-stops for long periods and pay the private car driver the same amount or less, for his trouble .... why not?  Government regulations be damned. 

Janet Davison writing at CBCNews:
Why transport apps like Uber are shaking up how you get around
Mobile technology fuels rise of ride-sharing service at same time people want more personal freedom
Lawsuits are flying and taxi demonstrations are jamming streets from London and Paris to Boston, all because smartphone apps like Uber aim to make it easier to hail a ride.

Uber hasn't made huge Canadian inroads beyond Toronto and Montreal just yet. But the online ride-sharing service, along with similar apps like Lyft that are popping up around the world, has shaken traditional taxi services and drawn the ire of local governments.

It also shut down many of Europe's capitals on Wednesday as taxi protests clogged streets in London, Berlin, Paris and Madrid..........

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