Saturday, June 7, 2014

The most beautiful words I read today: "hundreds of Islamist suicide fighters blew themselves up en masse rather than surrender."

That truly made my day!  Although, the hundreds of terrorist scum also took dozens of Assad's soldiers who went after them in the building that the suicide bombers brought down killing themselves and their pursuers,  it was still worth it to know that the army won this particular battle against the USA-armed and funded terrorists.  How long will the war in Syria continue?  It will continue to continue as long as the USA and her allies continue to continue supplying the "opposition" with funds, weaponry and logistics support.

Robert Fisk writing at TheIndependent:
.....Al-Qaeda City was an industrial zone, a vast plain of concrete and stone factories and cattle sheds and homes 10 miles north east of Aleppo, and when Bashar al-Assad’s army crashed up the main highway from Hama, lifting the rebel siege of Aleppo and careering on towards the Turkish border, the soldiers and tank crews were suddenly confronted by the biggest and most sophisticated fortress ever built by followers of the late Osama bin Laden.

Today, Syrian 155mm guns are banging off northbound shells from the olive and walnut orchards around what had been one of the country’s economic powerhouses, today reduced to square miles of smashed factories and burned chemical plants where, according to the Syrian commanders who had to smash their way into this place of pulverised iron, rubble and ash, hundreds of Islamist suicide fighters blew themselves up en masse rather than surrender. Colonel Saleh, sunglasses wrapped round a burned, lean face, stared at one great heap of sandwiched concrete in the middle of this grey wasteland and made a rare admission of loss for an officer of the Syrian army in this dangerous place. “The terrorists all blew themselves up with suicide belts,” he said. “They brought the buildings down on top of them as we attacked. I lost 27 of my soldiers storming just this one area.”

Miles of underground tunnels still lace their way beneath what had once been the Sheikh Najjar Industrial Zone, while men from al-Qaeda, Jabel el-Nusra, Jihad Islamia, the al-Sham Brigade and remnants of the old ‘Free Syria Army’ – all struggling to overthrow Assad’s regime – spent two years mining the buildings above ground, hacking lorry-wide passageways between their walls and cutting out sniper’s nests in every street and on every floor. What had been one of Syria’s newest industrial estates was transformed into a place of death;  food stores and grain mills were turned into arms storage depots, their basements into dormitories for the hundreds of rebels who lived here............

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