Sunday, June 29, 2014

How the USA and her allies are making terrorists into multi-millionaires ....

and guess what else folks?  These newly made multi-millionaires  will all apply for investor status immigrant visas to the Western countries, most of them must have already done so and have been accepted too.  The irony is that they will be using the same money they got off our stupid powers-that-be, to invade our countries.

Like I have always maintained .... wars make untold amounts of money for some of  the  most horrible amongst us.  Even the supporters of the "rebels" in Syria here in Canada and the USA, must have already made millions from our governments in one way or another.  How they must be laughing at us and our anti-Muslim blogs and our loyalty to the very politicians and the governments that makes them the kind of money we will never see even if we live through several lifetimes.

Robert Tait writing at TelegraphUK:
....Syrian rebel army 'sacked' over corruption claims.
The high command of the Free Syrian Army has been disbanded a day after President Barack Obama pledged hundreds of millions of pounds in aid.

The Western-backed Syrian rebel movement fighting President Bashar Assad's regime was in disarray on Friday after its military high command was sacked over corruption allegations a day after the Obama administration earmarked it for £293 million in financial support.
The country's self-styled opposition government took the dramatic step amid repots of rampant malfeasance within the ranks of the Free Syrian Army (FSA)
Ahmad Tohme, head of the government-in-exile, said it had "decided to disband the Supreme Military Council and refer its members to the government's financial and administration committee for investigation".
Brigadier General Abdelilah al-Bashir, the FSA's chief-of-staff, is also being fired in the purge, the opposition government said in an announcement posted on Facebook.
It urged "revolutionary forces on the ground" to form a new defence council within a month and to carry out a thorough shake-up of the FSA's command structure.
The exiled government's move came after the White House on Thursday said it would ask Congress to approve new funding to train and equip "the moderate Syrian opposition".
The funding request came in response to the rapid gains of the Islamic State of Iraq and al-Shams (Isis) in northern Iraq, where it is fighting against Nouri al-Maliki's Shia-led government.......

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