Wednesday, June 4, 2014

Greenpeace nutjobs create "fracking site" outside David Cameron's residence

HAHAHAHAHAHA!   For once I am with the Greenpeace protesters.  See my highlighted area below. That is definitely a big "No No" ..... if we wouldn't want that happening to us then we have to protest that happening to others.

Steven Swinford and Miranda Prynne at TelegraphUK:
....Environmental protesters this morning targeted David Cameron's home as the government unveiled new powers to enable fracking to take place under people's properties.
Ministers announced that they are prepared to overhaul trespass laws to enable energy companies to explore for shale gas under homes without owners' permission.
Ahead of the announcement Greenpeace activists turned Mr Cameron's home in the hamlet of Dean, Oxfordshire, into a "fracking site".

Activists in hard hats and high-vis jackets turned up on the doorstep of the Prime Minister's cottage in the Cotswold hamlet of Dean, Oxfordshire, sealing off the property's front gate with security fencing.
Protesters erected a sign which read "We apologise for any inconvenience we may cause while we frack under your home", and ordered complaints to be directed to Mr Cameron's office.

The Greenpeace members also tried to deliver a giant cheque for £50, which is the maximum compensation ministers are willing to pay individual home and landowners to allow companies to drill under their properties.
Greenpeace said the stunt was a protest against legislation expected to be announced in the Queen’s Speech later, clearing the way for fracking firms to drill under people’s land and property without their permission.
Nearly three quarters of people in Britain oppose minister's plans to strip people of their access rights in order the clear the way for fracking, according to Greenpeace.
Over 46,000 people have joined a legal block set up by the environmental group and based on the access rights homeowners have over the ground below their property...............

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