Saturday, June 14, 2014

Family members of 49 dead soldiers in Ukraine are devastated today and ....

all this human suffering is because scum leaders of some of the countries in the West  are delusional enough to think they have become gods, and that has given them the right to plot and overthrow the rightfully elected leaders of any country on earth, by means of  well-engineered coups and uprisings. The consequences of doing so are either not envisioned or if predicted, those consequences are looked forward to like how vultures look at dying men breathing their last in barren landscapes.  

David McHugh and Marko Dobrnjakovic writing at APNews:
....Pro-Russia separatists shot down a Ukrainian military transport plane Saturday, killing all 49 crew and troops aboard in a bloody escalation of the conflict in the country's restive east.
It was a bitter setback for the Ukrainian forces, which have struggled to suppress an armed insurgency by foes of the new government. And it came only a week after Ukraine's new president, billionaire candy magnate Petro Poroshenko, spoke about a peace plan in his inaugural address.
Yet the deadliest single incident in the four-month-old conflict suggested the two sides were still far apart in their demands and talk of de-escalating the conflict remained premature........

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