Friday, June 6, 2014

Canadian government made thousands of requests for personal information of Rogers and Tek Savvy customers

That's the Canadian government for you .... the clone of the US government! 
9/11 and Muslims (which are imports of the government itself) have given our lords and masters, the tools to have more control over us and our lives.

Colin Freeze, Christine Dobby and Josh Wingrove writing at Globe&Mail:
.....TekSavvy, Rogers break silence over government requests for data.
Two telecommunications companies have released details regarding the number of demands for customer data they receive from police and government authorities, signalling a shift in how communications providers plan to deal with subscribers’ privacy concerns.

TekSavvy Solutions Inc., a privately owned Internet service provider based in Chatham, Ont., was the first company to break with convention, saying it handled 52 requests for customer information in 2012 and 2013. The company said it made 17 disclosures in response to law enforcement requests and refused to reveal information in 35 instances.

Rogers Communications Inc., Canada’s largest cellular carrier and one of the country’s biggest Internet providers, released its own report shortly after the TekSavvy disclosure on Thursday, revealing it received a total of 174,917 requests for customer information in 2013. It did not specify how many of those requests were fulfilled.

Before Thursday’s revelations, the public has had little insight into the frequency with which telecom providers share customer data with police and the government. In April, the Office of the Privacy Commissioner of Canada revealed that in 2011, telecom companies received 1.2 million requests for data, but that information was based on an aggregation of requests from nine different providers. Until now, the big telephone and Internet providers have generally maintained that government regulations limit their ability to share such information........

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