Friday, June 13, 2014

All is not lost ....

now we can look to see how this pans out.  At least it's something to look forward to.

Josh Visser and Natalie Alcoba writing at NationalPost:
....After Ontario election, Doug Ford says he wants to give Progressive Conservative party an ‘enema’
After Thursday night’s poor showing at the ballot box, Toronto Councillor Doug Ford says he wants to give the Progressive Conservatives an anatomically unlikely “enema, top to bottom.”

The linguistically colourful brother of Toronto Mayor Rob Ford will not rule out a run for the leadership of the PC party as Tim Hudak is stepping down after last night’s disastrous results.

“The door is always open in politics,” Doug Ford told reporters Friday at City Hall.
“If I was leader, there’d be a drastic change in the PC party, from top to bottom,” he said. “From the president of the PC association, all the way down. We’d get some real people in there.”.........

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