Tuesday, May 13, 2014

West induced Ukraine fiasco ..... May 13

Both the vids below are from either May 9 or thereabouts.

Graham Phillip a stringer for RT has many videos and ongoing bits of news from some of the locales in conflict areas  at his Twitter page here. 
The first one below shows Mariupol citizens' angst to see their military in their streets ready and willing to kill them without blinking twice. The second one is again from Mariupol and shot at the Police HQ that was burnt down by the military. According to Mariupol citizens, more than 50 people were killed on that day and the bodies taken away in the white van you see in that vid.  The Mariupol Police HQ, according to the Alternate Media, was in the hands of the separatists and almost all the cops had joined up with the pro-Russian group.  Hence its destruction and human casualties.

Look at the ordinary citizens,  see how helpless they look when faced with the brutality from the Kiev-commandeered forces.
Let's hope that this beautiful country of Ukraine does not turn into another Syria.   

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