Friday, May 23, 2014

Welcome back, dear jihadis ....

everybody's anxiously awaiting to welcome you with open arms.  Are you gonna  celebrate your return  from Al-Sham with a boom here, and a boom there and a boom everywhere?  

Expected back to the Caliphate of the United Kingdom and to the rest of the islamized EU:

From Channel4:
....In this Channel 4 News exclusive, British and other western jihadi fighters are shown in Syria as never before - fighting and killing, shopping and preparing for a wedding. Inigo Gilmore reports.

Fighters from the west are flocking to Syria in growing numbers, with estimates that there are now about 80 British recruits in the country among as many as 700 Europeans.....

From VICE:
....Over the past year, Syria’s foreign fighters have become an important focus of the conflict in the international media, as well as a huge security headache for governments around the world. Thousands of young men – although no one can be sure just how many thousands – have flocked into Syria to fight. To reach the country they travel through an international network that starts with recruitment in their country of origin, and ends in a journey to the border with men like Abu Hussein.
In the summer of 2012, "Abu Hussein the Russian" began escorting foreign mujahideen fighters to Syria to join the war against Bashar al Assad’s regime. He was the jihadists’ transporter, responsible for meeting them at the airport in Istanbul and taking them on the 15-hour bus journey down to the Syrian border.

When I met him in Akçakale – a Turkish town on the border with Syria – he whipped out his passport. “Want to see this?” he asked. Page after page was covered in Turkish entry and exit stamps, each of them representing a foreign fighter that he had helped to bring into his country. He escorted them one by one, travelling up to Istanbul by plane from the border region of Hatay, and then travelling back down by bus to avoid the attentions of the security services. At the border he would deliver his new companion to another contact, who would then smuggle them in over the border. The whole journey, there and back, took less than 24 hours. “Like fast food!” Abu Hussein quipped.

Which doesn't quite work as a metaphor, but you can see his point............

From DailyMail:
....Hundreds of British jihadis returning from fight in Syria spark terror alert after police and MI5 thwart Mumbai-style attack on London
250 British based 'extremist tourists' have returned home from fighting
Figure includes several 'veterans' who fought in Afghanistan and Pakistan
Security forces thwarted 'serious plot' by jihadis returning last Autumn..........

From RT:
It’s a significant issue to learn the motives of 400 British fighters reportedly in Syria now and reintegrate them into British society when they return, which will no doubt be extremely difficult, political commentator Mohammed Ansar told RT..........

From SkyNews:
British Fighters Filmed In Syria 'War Crime'
Sky News obtains a video posted on a UK man's Instagram account that shows jihadist rebels shooting dead a prisoner.
Footage uncovered by researchers at the International Centre for the Study of Radicalisation (ICSR) shows jihadist rebels killing a prisoner, said to be a loyalist of President Bashar al Assad.
The incident is thought to have happened in the last two weeks near Raqqa in northern Syria......

Expected back in the islamized America:

From DailyBeast:
....The exclusive footage focuses on recruits from a hardline Sunni militia of more than 700 foreign fighters in the Katiba al-Muhajireen (the battalion of migrants) and follows Ibrahim al-Mazwagi, the first British fighter to die in Syria. He was killed in February this year, aged just 21.....
....The problem, U.S. counter-terrorism and intelligence officials tell The Daily Beast, is that there are just so many jihadists with Western passports traveling to fight in Syria that they worry some of them may slip back into the United States without being detected.
“The NSA does not have the ability to track thousands of bad guys—and on the human intelligence side, this is even more difficult,” another senior U.S. intelligence official told The Daily Beast. “So we are worried that people are slipping through the cracks.”
Olsen in his March testimony said there were thousands of foreign fighters in Syria and that hundreds of those fighters held Western passports..........

From Haaretz:
....FBI: Rising number of American jihadis in Syria threaten U.S.
Concern that Americans who have joined al-Qaida affiliates in Syria will return to home to carry out terrorist attacks, says FBI director.
The number of Americans traveling to Syria to fight in the civil war is increasing steadily and is of real concern to U.S. law enforcement and intelligence officials, FBI Director James B. Comey said on the weekend.
Comey did not provide an exact number, but said the trend was “getting worse.” In an interview four months ago, he said that "dozens" had already joined the fight, the Washington Post reported.
The FBI's concern is that the Americans who have joined extremist groups allied with al-Qaida in Syria will return to the United States to carry out terrorist attacks......

Expected back in Canadistan:

This one has gone to that never-ending supply of 72 virgins but his buddies are probably on their way back.
From CBC:
...Another young Canadian man who converted to Islam and was radicalized has been confirmed dead after fighting in Syria, a CBC News investigation has learned.
By the time of his death in Syria, Andre Poulin from Timmins, Ont., had become a battle-hardened jihadi known as Abu Muslim.
He arrived in Syria in late 2012, and joined a unit of foreign fighters controlled by a Chechen.....

From: Radio Canada Intl:
....It’s believed  the Canadian Security Intelligence Service (CSIS)  is tracking up to 80 Canadians it suspects of having travelled abroad to engage in terrorist activities.
CSIS  says some engaged in paramilitary activities, while others attended extremist Islamic schools, others may have been involved in logistical or fund-raising support, and some simply never made a connection and have returned.
Security agencies are concerned that any or all of the group could be returning more radicalized than when they left. Some may have learned potentially dangerous new skills which they could teach to others. This would include such things as bomb-making as an example.........

Expected back in islamized Australia:

From AlJazeera:
....Australian fighters in Syria alarm officials.
The Australian government has confiscated passports in an effort to prevent attacks by returning fighters.
With estimates of up to 11,000 foreign fighters in Syria, Western powers are increasingly worried about the potential national security threat posed by returning fighters.
But in a country more than 14,000 kilometres from the frontline, Syria's civil war is also playing out in Australia's suburbs, with numerous beatings, assaults, shootings and property damage being reported along sectarian lines.
At the heart of the violence, which has predominantly been in Australia's two most populous cities, Sydney and Melbourne, are those for and against the Syrian government of President Bashar al-Assad.
More than 15 incidents of violence involving members of the Lebanese, Turkish and Syrian communities have been reported...........

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