Wednesday, May 28, 2014

Visitors to Qatar for the World Cup 2022 ....

can expect to have a grand old time getting nicely broiled in full heavy clothing.
Curse the total fucks at FIFA who must have been heavily bribed to award Qatar with the hosting. If they were honest, Qatar would have never got the World Cup .... not in a million years.  

From HeraldSun:
......THE Arab emirate of Qatar  has issued a decree telling tourists that leggings are not pants.

The Gulf state has launched a modesty drive to make sure tourists understand what is and isn’t appropriate dress. And leggings fail to make the cut.

The Reflect your respect campaign, managed by Qatar’s state-run Islamic Culture Centre, uses Twitter, Instagram and leaflets distributed in public places to inform visitors of basic modesty laws in preparation for the 2022 Football World Cup.

“If you are in Qatar, you are one of us. Help us preserve Qatar’s culture and values. Please dress modestly in public places,” the leaflets explain........

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