Saturday, May 31, 2014

US Sen. Richard H Black of Virginia, a true Christian, writes to thank Assad for saving Christians....

and lo and behold ....  the silence of the MSM is deafening.  

BuzzFeed, who requested the senator for a copy of the letter and got it, is the only online site of note to have posted the letter. The few others that have deemed to give this any notice, have given it just a few sentences in print and made the whole thing look like it was a stupid thing to do.  When did thanking someone for the good they have done become a "NO NO".  Even Buzzfeed, although taking the initiative to post the entire 2-page letter online,  calls it "fawning."

From the depths of the steaming hot pile of rot which makes up the political body of today, comes one person like Sen. Richard Black and gives us hope that within that dirty heap there might be others like him who just need a hot water bathing to discover that they too have a conscience and that conscience wants to speak up and tell the truth ... consequences be damned.

Miriam Berger and Gideon Resnick writing at BuzzFeed
....Republican State Senator Richard Black of Virginia has written a letter to Bashar al-Assad praising the Syrian president for his fight against “criminals linked to al-Qaeda” and thanking him for his “heroic rescue of Christians.”
“You have followed the practice of your father by treating with respect all Christians and the small community of Jews in Damascus…. I am grateful for that,” the letter reads. It concludes: “Until then, I pray that the Syrian armed forces will continue to exhibit extraordinary gallantry in the war against terrorists.”
Assad has been accused of widespread human rights abuses in his country’s three year long civil war.

Reached by cellphone, a man identifying himself as Senator Black confirmed to BuzzFeed that he had written the letter, which was dated April 1 (though it did not appear to be an April Fools’ joke). It was addressed to Assad, but Black said it was “difficult” to get the letter to the Syrian president. He refused to elaborate further on his channels to Assad. “I had not published it because I didn’t know how long it would take to get it delivered to President Assad,” 

Black said. “I didn’t want to just publish it in the newspapers without it ever being received. It accurately reflects my views on the Syrian situation.”

Black received unofficial confirmation that the letter had been received by the government after a contact, who he declined to name, told him that the Syrian First Lady, Asmaa al-Assad, had posted it to her Facebook page. “The individual who wrote [me] wanted to confirm that it wasn’t a prank,” Black said. “I’m not much of a prankster.”

When asked if he feared backlash over the letter’s contents, Black said, “Anytime you take a stand there will be certainly people who disagree. But Al Qaeda killed 3,000 Americans on 9/11 and I’m deeply troubled that we are now assisting al-Qaeda in Syria.”...................

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