Tuesday, May 27, 2014

The wonderful world of one-sided "free trade" deals

Look at what it's doing to Canada's auto industry.  Europe is happy exporting to us but don't care much for importing from us besides giving pledges and promises. 

Julian Beltrame writing at CanadianPress:
.....Canada's free trade deal with Europe will almost certainly be a winner for some sectors, but Ontario's automakers can expect the mostly one-way traffic in trade to worsen once the pact is implemented, according to a new study on the issue.

The report, authored by Jim Stanford, an auto industry economist with Unifor, Canada's largest private sector union, calculates Europe's $5.3 billion trade surplus in vehicles and parts last year — a record high — will balloon to more than $7 billion within a decade of the deal taking effect.

The damage could be far worse once the impact of the South Korean trade deal and potential pact with Japan are added in, says the study released by the Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives.
"That would be a triple whammy," Stanford said. "The fact you lose a few thousand units of volume of Cadillacs or Lexus or whatever isn't a game changer, but if all those things combined change companies' minds about the viability of Canadian plants at a time we are fighting tooth and nail for every investment we can win, then we will really have shot ourselves in the foot."

Stanford notes that Canada has huge trade deficits in autos with all three markets.
Canada did win some concessions in the agreement in principle with Europe, which was announced last October but has yet to be formally signed, the report notes. Both sides will benefit from the elimination of tariffs and Europe accorded Canada a potential quota of 100,000 vehicles, more than 10 times what it exports now, and generous rules of origin criteria.......

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