Thursday, May 22, 2014

The things "royals" say

Hopefully, the lesser evil one will outlive this totally dumb one.  Just try and imagine how much faster the UK will turn into a full fledged Caliphate when and if this guy takes hold of the reins and reigns over the country. Although, many like to point out that the "royals" are just figureheads and don't have much say in politics, nobody actually believes them knowing how  ordinary people are when it comes to royalty and the super rich. Politicians of every stripe would vie with each other to be given a chance to mop the Queen's bathroom or even wash her lingerie and they would do the same for her heir/heirs.

It never stops to surprise me how citizens of countries that were involved in WWII don't know anything much about that war but accept what's written by English historians as the Gospel truth. How come these folks were never told that if not for Russia, that war would have gone on for several more years and the outcome might have been different and probably even in Hitler's favor?  

Matthew Holehouse writing at Telegraph:
....Russia: Prince Charles 'Hitler' remarks 'outrageous propaganda'
Moscow accuses Prince of Wales of "outrageous propaganda campaign against Russia" after likening Vladimir Putin to Hitler.
Russia responded with fury this morning to the Prince of Wales' claim that President Putin is "like Hitler", saying his remarks are "outrageous" and unworthy of a future monarch.
In a scathing response, a Russian Foreign Ministry spokesman said the remarks, if accurate, are “unacceptable” and part of a “propaganda campaign” against Moscow.
The Russian deputy ambassador in London will today meet senior Foreign Office officials after the embassy demanded an explanation as to whether the remarks amounted to an “official position”.
On a visit to Canada, the Prince told a woman who lost relatives in the Holocaust: “And now Putin is doing just about the same as Hitler.”...........

.....The Prince’s comments are regarded as offensive in Moscow as 20 million Russians were killed during the war, including members of Vladimir Putin’s family.
A senior Russian diplomatic source told the Telegraph last night: "We are seeking clarification. It’s not clear if it is an official position.
“The response from Clarence House is it was a private talk. We hope there is nothing behind it. But it is unclear to us: what does it mean? He is the future King. Was it a stunt?"
They added: “It is very serious. Every family in our country lost someone in that war.”
In Russia, newspapers loyal to the President have highlighted Edward VIII’s Nazi sympathies.
Pravda, the Russian tabloid, said: “If we talk about the British royal family, the issue of Nazi themes arises with them first. In 2006 the young Prince Harry appeared at a costume party in the form of soldier in Rommel’s army, with a swastika armband on his arm.”......

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