Friday, May 30, 2014

The distressed citizens of Donetsk

Put yourselves in the shoes of the people of Donetsk ... whether they are pro-Russian or pro-Kiev doesn't matter .... and imagine how you would be reacting to what's happening there.  There are videos at You Tube which can be accessed only after you sign in .... that's how graphic and  bloody they are. I have seen one where five civilians were killed by the Ukrainian army snipers ... one of them a woman.  Their bodies were left in the street because the snipers targeted anybody who dared to come to collect the corpses.
War makes ordinary men into blood-thirsty monsters of the very worst kind.

The following is from a Photojournalist's point of view.

...Filip Warwick is a photojournalist who has stayed in Donetsk after many foreign journalists have left. Here he documents how daily life goes on, but is this the calm before the storm in Donetsk?

It is late morning, the skies are clear and the sun is shining - the mood is, for the moment, relatively calm on the streets of Donetsk. But if you scratch below the surface, there is a feeling of anxiety which is driving many people's activities, even as life appears to carry on as normal. Some residents have been busy exchanging Ukrainian hryvnia's for foreign currency; others have been stocking up on food supplies, and still others are preparing to leave the city.
Leaving en masse
Foreign journalists have also recently left en masse as tensions continue. Many of the journalists came exclusively to cover the elections but some feared for their safety as the number of roadblocks has increased. It was suggested that I leave the city center hotel where I had been staying and move to a residential part of the city. But that move gave me a chance to observe how citizens here are going about their daily lives.......

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