Monday, May 19, 2014

The best jobs in the USA are in the money printing presses ....

there's no doubt about that.  If you get a job there, you will never be laid off.  No pink slips, just sackfuls of greenbacks.

From WadsamAfghanistan:
The Special Inspector General for Afghanistan Reconstruction (SIGAR), John Sopko, said Afghanistan will continue to receive up to USD 10bn of aid annually from the US after the withdrawal of foreign troops.

Sopko said the US had never put such an excessive sum of money into the rebuilding of any other nations and added that the amount spent on Afghanistan exceeds the amount spent rebuilding Germany or Britain following World War Two.

He added the annual payments to Afghanistan are more than what Washington gives to Israel, Egypt and Pakistan combined.

He expressed concerns at the lack of oversight over spending of the funds given to Afghanistan. He pointed that the security gap emerging as a result of withdrawal of coalition forces would make it dangerous for US government employees to visit some key reconstruction projects and to make sure the funding is being used correctly.........

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