Saturday, May 31, 2014

Sudanese woman, Meriam Ibrahim to be freed

The power of we the people forcing the MSM to blow this in the open and put pressure on the right people in the ivory towers.... has worked.  Meriam was lucky that her husband is an American and hence he and his supporters were able to create this uproar on her behalf.  There must be thousands of women like her languishing in Muslim jails serving long prison terms or awaiting death .... and nobody even knows they exist.

From BBC:
....Meriam Ibrahim: Sudan 'to free'    death row woman
Sudanese authorities are to free a woman who was sentenced to death for having abandoned the Islamic faith, a foreign ministry official says.

Meriam Ibrahim, who gave birth to a daughter in custody, will be freed in a few days' time, the official said.

Abdullahi Alzareg, an under-secretary at the foreign ministry, said Sudan guaranteed religious freedom and was committed to protecting the woman.

Khartoum has been facing heavy criticism over the death sentence.

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