Sunday, May 25, 2014

Russia suffers from sanctions imposed .... and how!

The USA, Canada  and their EU allies, having shot themselves in the foot,  will have to keep changing the bandages on that meddling foot, because that wound is going to fester and leak blood and pus for years to come.

From Reuters:
....Qatar commits $2bln to Russia  
Qatar's sovereign wealth fund is allocating $2 billion to Russia via joint investments with state-backed private equity fund the Russian Direct Investment Fund, Kirill Dmitriev, the CEO of the Russian fund said on Friday.
The RDIF invests alongside foreign partners and has attracted money from Middle East and Asian partners..........

From EconomicsTimesIndia:
....Sun Group Vice Chairman  and Chief Executive Officer Shiv Vikram Khemka, whose group has a long-standing presence in Russia, said India-Russia trade relations are far from its potential and they need to be reset after Modi victory. 
Trade volumes, he said, should go up from $ 10 billion now to $ 100 billion in 30 years. 
"This is the time to reset the relations. Mr Narendra Modi has won a landslide victory. The voters have asked for growth and we need help. I think India and Rus .. ...

From Globe&Mail
....Putin’s man in China: Gennady Timchenko.
A close ally of Vladimir Putin – and a target of Western sanctions – has emerged as a key player in the dramatic expansion of energy ties between Russia and China.
Gennady Timchenko was named as the head of the Russian-Chinese Business Council a few weeks ago and accompanied Mr. Putin on his recent trip to China......
.......Mr. Timchenko’s rise to prominence on the crucial China file shows that the current sanctions against individuals are ineffective, and Russia can essentially ignore them in many circumstances, said Ariel Cohen, a Russia and energy expert at the Heritage Foundation in Washington....
.....China doesn’t need to pay any attention to the sanctions, Mr. Cohen said. “They can whistle past the graveyard.”......

From FinancialPost:
...China and Russia’s $400-billion gas mega-deal hardly means game over for Canadian LNG.....
....The 30-year agreement to provide 38 billion cubic metres a year to China certainly has global ramifications and opens up a ‘new Europe’ for Russia, notes energy consultancy Wood Mackenzie....

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