Thursday, May 29, 2014

On Syria ..... May 29

The conflict in Syria has opened the eyes of thousands of people, nay millions of people worldwide ... and we have begun to see how the USA and Israel act as one against a country or a country's leaders they decide to neutralize without giving a damn about  the misery they cause to the innocent millions of people within that country. 

I tell you .... it's such a relief to be out of love with Israel. Now, I just don't give a fuck what happens to Israelis or the Jews or to Israel.  It used to bother me no end whenever I read even the tiniest little slur aimed at the Jewish diaspora here or at Israelis ... either in print or from my friends. Now? I just bypass such and move on without breaking into a sweat of rage like I used to. 

Assad has won and rightly so.  Syria will prosper and so will its people. The countless killed will be mourned by their families.  Syria will be rebuilt but alas its historical monuments and priceless antiquities have been destroyed and lost to mankind. The criminals and instigators of these crimes will never see justice .... or will they?

From AP:
....Assad's supporters abroad vote   in Syrian election.
 Tens of thousands of supporters of Syrian President Bashar Assad voted Wednesday at embassies abroad, clogging entrances to the Lebanese capital for hours and clashing with soldiers overwhelmed by their sheer numbers a week before national elections widely expected to give him a third seven-year term.....

....The June 3 election is all but guaranteed to give the 49-year-old Syrian leader, whose family has ruled Syria for more than four decades, a new mandate to continue with his crushing of the armed rebellion.....

From MiddleEastMonitor:
....Syrian schools to start  teaching Russian as second foreign language next year 
....The Syrian Ministry of Education has decided to teach Russian as a second foreign language starting from next year. After learning English as a first foreign language in primary school, students will be able to choose between learning Russian and French as a second foreign language from the seventh to the twelfth grades, the ministry announced on its website. .....

From VOR:
.....Russia to allocate 240 million euros to Syria for solving social problems.
This year, Russia is going to allocate 240 million euros (more than 11.2 billion rubles) to Syria as financial assistance for social needs, the Kommersant daily reports on Wednesday referring to a high ranking source in the Russian government.

According to the source, earlier, the Syrian government appealed to Russia with a request to grant a non-repayable financial support to Damascus. "This year, within the framework of assistance, the Syrian government will receive 240 million /euros/, it is the agreed figure," said the source.
According to the newspaper, at the end of April, Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev signed a decree according to which more than 46 million euros from this sum will be gratuitously transferred to the Syrian authorities from the account of the Russian Vnesheconombank................

....Syria cements cooperation with China and South Africa.  
Syria is cementing its cooperation with China and South Africa with focus on rebuilding the war torn country.Meetings focused on rebuilding housing, industry and a modernization of Syria’s Mediterranean ports, which could boost the Syrian economy after the completion of the Iran – Iraq – Syria gas pipeline that prompted Qatar, in 2007, to begin preparing the attempted subversion of Syria. 
The Syrian news agency SANA reports, that Syria’s Minister of Public Works, Hussein Arnous, stressed the importance of the rapid rebuilding of Syrian homes and structures through cooperation and partnerships between the two countries construction companies.

At a meeting with representatives of the Chinese Kansai  Co., Arnous underlined the necessity of making use of the company’s expertise, modern technologies and the potential to take part in the rapid construction of building projects in Syria................

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