Sunday, May 25, 2014

Nigel Farage and Marine Le Pen make history

People who have woken up and understand the dangers posed by the largely warmongering politicians of the EU are voting for politicians they know will keep their countries from going into unnecessary wars and instead work towards limiting immigration and improving firstly the lot of the citizens already in the country. The next step should be to get out of the EU and not depend on unelected leaders in Brussels to call the tune, which are loony tunes most of the time and forced on all members without their consent.

From TheTelegraphUK:
....Ukip storms European elections.  
Nigel Farage says Ukip's success in the European elections will 'terrify' political establishment and prove 'disastrous' for Ed Miliband and Nick Clegg.
The UK Independence Party has won a national election for the first time, taking the most votes and seats in the European Parliament elections according to sources in all of Britain's main political parties.
The Ukip victory, which came as anti-establishment parties advanced across the European Union, represents the biggest shock to the British political system in a generation......

From TheGuardianUK:
....Marine Le Pen's confidence   vindicated by Front National election triumph
FN leader claims 'the people have spoken', as far-right party polls an historic 25% of votes in the European elections.
It was, as even their avowed opponents agreed, an historic victory. Or as French foreign minister Laurent Fabius succinctly put it, there was "one winner and a lot of losers".

From the beginning of the European election campaign weeks ago Marine Le Pen was insistent that Sunday evening would finally see the Front National emerge as "France's number one party".
Election pundits scorned her pretensions; the opinion polls confirmed them......

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