Tuesday, May 27, 2014

Military drills a galore .... all over the world

Madmen are getting everything in gear for World War 3.

Joint military drill, with 22 countries participating,  taking place in Jordan and nearabouts.  
At the other side of the world, Russia and China hold their two nation joint military drill.
Iran is unveiling new technologies of their own at their very own military drill.

Goodbye Planet Earth!  
Maybe your days are now really and truly numbered .... and not because of climate change over which we have no control but because mankind does not want to inhabit your loveliness any longer. Mankind prefers the whores of war.

From JordanTimes:
.....The Jordan-hosted “Eager Lion” international military drill kicked off on Sunday with the participation of 22 countries, the Jordan News Agency, Petra, reported. 

Organised by the Jordan Armed Forces (JAF), the military drill is held at several training fields and centres with the participation of more than 13,000 army personnel.
Invitations to local and international media outlets have been sent by the JAF to attend a press conference at 11am Tuesday at the Special Forces Command offices during which details on the training drill will be disclosed, Petra said.....

From Trend:
Iran unveiled three new technologies  at the third day of Army's Ground Forces military drill in the central province of Isfahan, code-named Beit ul-Muqaddas 26.
A smart tactical command and control system dubbed Basir (Insightful), a 122mm portable cannon, and new communication equipment are the mentioned technologies, Iran's IRIB News Agency reported on May 25.
The new technologies are all built domestically............

From RIAEnglish:
 .....A delegation of Russian airborne forces has arrived in Beijing to exchange skills and knowledge with their Chinese colleagues, a Russian Defense Ministry spokesperson said Tuesday.
"During the visit, the Russian military delegation will familiarize itself with the training and resources facilities of the school of China's People's Liberation Army Air Force (PLAAF)," said Yevgeny Meshkov, a representative of the ministry's press service.
“For five days, the Russian delegates will exchange their experience in training airborne subdivisions of both countries,” he added

From AirForceTimes:
.....About 6,000 U.S. troops headed to Jordan for military exercise.
Roughly 6,000 U.S. troops will take part in this year’s “Eager Lion” exercise in Jordan from May 25 to June 8, a Defense Department spokesman said.

Eager Lion involves a total of more than 12,500 troops from more than 20 countries, Cmdr. William Speaks told Military Times on Tuesday. The major U.S. units taking part include the Army’s 17th Field Artillery Brigade, 1st Armored Division; the 22nd Marine Expeditionary Unit, 1st Marine Expeditionary Brigade; elements of the Navy’s Task Force 51/59; and the 407th Air Expeditionary Group......

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