Saturday, May 10, 2014

Jihadis fly from Syria to Ukraine .... courtesy Saudi Arabia

Yup!  I totally believe this news item.  In many of the vids of the ongoing conflict in Ukraine I thought I saw Middle Eastern looking men and then dismissed them as probably  darker skinned Tatars.  Now it turns out that the lighter skinned jihadis creating havoc in Syria are being flown to Ukraine to help the coup regime murder their own people.  If you have been following the antics of these adorable guys in Syria, then you already know how things are gonna get in Ukraine pretty soon.
What a wonderful world!!
Sad, isn't it, we are seeing the downfall of America in our lifetime.  I for one, never thought it would happen this soon.

From InSebriaIndependent:
.....Takfiri Fighters from Syria in Ukraine – media  
Saudi Arabia has sent a large number of Takfiri fighters in Syria to Ukraine to fight the pro-Russian protesters in the European country, Iran’s Fars News Agency (FNA) reported.
“A large number of Takfiri fighters in Syria, who bear Saudi and Chechnian nationalities and receive financial and military backup from the Saudi intelligence agency, have been transferred to the Ukrainian capital, Kiev, on several planes to help the Ukrainian army in its fight against the pro-Russian population,” an Arab security official told FNA on Sunday on the condition of anonymity due to the secrecy of the issue. “The forces have been immediately dispatched to Kramatorsk city in Eastern Ukraine, and are now fighting beside the Ukrainian army forces against the pro-Russians under the name of militias who support the government,” the source added. The source explained that Saudi Arabia seeks to take revenge from Russia and pro-Russian people in Ukraine due to Moscow’s support for Syrian President Bashar al-Assad in the war on rebel groups.

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