Wednesday, May 21, 2014

It's done. China and Russia sign 400 B gas agreement

While the enemies of Russia, the entire bing-bang warmongering countries of the West, skip around looking for ways to start new wars, what do the two most adult nations on planet Earth go and do?  They behave like the intelligent adults they are when coming upon a gaggle of unruly children and shushes them into a shameful silence.

However, if the brats still want to play their war games,  both China and Russia will be happy to supply them with whatever kind of weapons they need to kill each other off.  Win-win situation.

Elena Mazneva and Stepan Kravchenko writing at Bloomberg:
....Russia, China Sign $400 Billion Gas Deal After Decade of Talks.
Russia reached a $400 billion deal to supply natural gas to China through a new pipeline over 30 years, a milestone in relations between the world’s largest energy producer and the biggest consumer.

President Vladimir Putin is turning to China to bolster Russia’s economy as relations sour with the U.S. and European Union because of the crisis in Ukraine. Today’s accord, signed after more than a decade of talks, will allow state-run gas producer OAO Gazprom (GAZP) to invest $55 billion developing giant gas fields in eastern Siberia and building the pipeline, Putin said.

It’s an “epochal event,” Putin said in Shanghai after the contract was signed. Both countries are satisfied with the price, he said.

Gazprom Chief Executive Officer Alexey Miller signed the deal with Zhou Jiping, chairman of China National Petroleum Corp. The agreement is for 38 billion cubic meters of gas annually over 30 years, Miller said. While he declined to give a price, he said the total value would be about $400 billion.

“This is the largest ever contract for Gazprom,” Miller said, adding the deal was clinched at 4 a.m. Supplies will start in four to six years, he said.

Gazprom shares rose as much as 2.2 percent, to 148.55 rubles in Moscow today and traded at 147.04 rubles at 4:04 p.m. local time.......

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