Tuesday, May 6, 2014

Detroit poised to become "USA's Little China #1"

Little Chinas, Little Saudi Arabias, Little Somalias, Little Indias, Little Pakistans, Little Irans, Little Iraqs, Little Afghanistans, Little Libyas  .... you aren't seen nothing yet.
Wonder which US city is gonna be Little China in USA #2.

However, truth be told ... IMO, Little Chinas are better than any one of the other "littles" mentioned above.

From ZeroHedge:
....Is Detroit destined  to become a Chinese city?  Chinese homebuyers and Chinese businesses are starting to flood into the Motor City, and the governor of Michigan is greatly encouraging this.  In fact, he has formally asked the Obama administration for 50,000 special federal immigration visas to encourage even more immigration from China and elsewhere.  So will Detroit be the first major city in the United States to be dominated by China?  It could happen.  Once upon a time, Detroit was the greatest manufacturing city in the history of the world and it had the highest per capita income in the entire country.  But now it is a rotting, decaying, bankrupt hellhole that is in desperate need of a savior, and Michigan Governor Rick Snyder appears to be fully convinced that China can be that savior.

To Snyder, encouraging foreigners to invest money and buy up properties won't cost the state government much, but it could potentially.........

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