Thursday, May 29, 2014

Children crossing over illegally into America ....

becomes another big headache for the Obama regime and an additional burden on the taxpayers.  
What kind of parents would send these kids on their own? How desperate are South Americans to get out of their own countries and into America?  Don't they know the USA itself is headed towards becoming like one of their own countries .... maybe even worse?

Stephen Dinan writing at WashingtonTimes:
.....Children swarming southern border prove a test to Obama’s immigration policy
Estimated 60,000 minors likely to double.
Children traveling without their families, including an “overwhelming” number younger than 12, are flooding across the southwestern border in the latest test of the Obama administration’s immigration policy.
Homeland Security Officials predict that 60,000 minors will cross the border this year and that the number will double next year, accounting for an astonishing percentage of people trying to jump the border — braving the tremendous perils of crossing Mexico and trying to evade border authorities, hoping to eventually connect with family in the U.S.
The administration seems powerless to stop most of the border breaches and instead has searched for ways to manage the flow of vulnerable, and politically sympathetic, immigrants.
On Thursday, Homeland Security Secretary Jeh Johnson will raise the issue with Congress. He will recount his trip this month to the border in Texas, where he saw such children, which the government calls “unaccompanied alien children,” or UACs.
“I have been closely following this emerging issue since coming into office, with a particular focus on the Rio Grande Valley,” Mr. Johnson will tell the House, according to his prepared testimony. “I traveled to McAllen, Texas, to view the situation and saw the children there firsthand — an overwhelming number of whom were under 12 years old.”............

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